Free Template Shadow With Slider (Fast,SEO,Clean) -Is a fast loading template that is equipped with a slider and adsense code, so you do not have to bother to make changes to the template. Not only that, it also has supported template facebook like book.
- Featured Articles Auto slideshow
- SEO optimized
- Nice design with quick loading
- Word Press like Comment section
- Breadcrumbs Added
- Social networking Icons for sharing
- Related Posts section for each post
- Popular posts Added
- AdSense friendly design
- HTML 5 feature Transition added
- Needs updated browsers like,
- Safari 3+
- Chrome Whatever+
- IE 9+
- Opera 10+
- Firefox 4+(You can use Beta)
To change the template:
1. Upload as usual in your blogger dashboard
2. To change the header logo please look for the following code: "http :/ /"
3. For sliders, each Post to want to add Slide Label posting replaced with "Featured"&39;ll automatically be entered slide.
4. For those of you who want to put Adsense code please look for the following code:<!-Your ad here-> for placing it there beside the header above it can be replaced with a code size of 468x60
5. to change Navigation / catagory code label can be found below:
<- Replace the urls with your urls ->
<a dir=&39;ltr&39; target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=&39;;> Windows7 </ a>
</ li>
<a dir=&39;ltr&39; target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=&39;hxxp:// News?&max-results=7&39;> Technology </ a>
</ li>
<a dir=&39;ltr&39; target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=&39; your url here&39;> Technology </ a>
</ li>
6. To Change Link Feed Burner & Twitter looking for the code below:
_http :/ / / WelcometoSpicytricks <<< --- Code Twitter is above this line,
7. To bring up the column template Postings
8. Edited Like Box FB
<- If you want this, you can use this or remove it from here ->
<div id=&39;sidebar-top&39;>
<div class=&39;clear&39; style="padding-top:10px;"/>
<iframe src = ""_blank" rel="nofollow" href=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fp% ages% 2FSpicyTricks 2F261195073226 & width = 292 & am p; colorscheme = light & ; connections = 10 & stream = false & header = false & height = 255 "scrolling =" no "frameborder =" 0 "style =" border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 292px; height: 255px; "allowTransparency =" true "> </ iframe>
<div class=&39;clear&39;/>
<iframe src = " & amp; width = 300 & height = 300 & header = false & colorscheme = light & font = verdana" scrolling = "no" frameborder = "0" style = "border: none; overflow: hidden; width: 300px; height: 300px;" allowTransparency = "true"> </ iframe>
</ div>
<- Remove End it here ->
Please do not Delete Footer template "Free Template Shadow With Slider (Fast,SEO,Clean)", this work of someone who has left him with difficulty and distributed free of charge for you.
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